API Reference

When certain events happen, Beam will publish webhook events to inform you of said events.

Handling Failure

In the event something goes wrong and we cannot deliver an event to one of your registrations, we will make several retry attempts. If we still cannot deliver the event, the registration status will change to SUSPENDED. No further attempts will be made to deliver previous or future events to this endpoint. It is very important to monitor the statuses of your webhook registrations.

Also note that webhooks guarantee at-least-once delivery. So while rare, it is technically possible to receive the same event twice. Your message handlers should account for that edge case and be idempotent.

Webhook Events for Embedded Payments

Payment.Initiated A payment has been created
Payment.Completed Payment has been marked as successful by the bank
Payment.Failed Payment has failed and should be retried

Account.Status.Changed Account KYC status has changed

Example Events

The following is an example event payload sent via webhooks. The resource property is an array of resources that have the same event eventName

    id: '3454444-444444-4444-4443f344,
    eventName: ‘Payment.Completed’,
    createdAt: '2023-07-11 18:58:53.325-0500',
    resources: ['/accounts/{uid}/payments{id}’, ‘/accounts/{uid}/payments{id}’],